Chi (also known as Qi), is the glue that keeps our world and the universe together.  It’s a type of energy (or life force) that permeates and resonates in and around all things.  Chi is often referred to as ‘the dragon’s breath’.  Chi is all around us.  From a feng shui perspective, chi is known to travel along magnetic currents, be dispersed by the wind and  retained by water.  The potential effects of chi in and around your home can be measured and predicted via magnetic orientation, mathematical formulae found in nature’s cycles and time dimensional probability factors.

Acupuncturists and reflexologists examine and treat the many meridians (or pathways) of chi which flow throughout your body.  Top athletes and martial arts experts harness the chi force within their body in order to perform remarkable feats of physical endurance and expertise.  Musicians and artists tap into aesthetic chi when creating new and wonderful works of art.

Sheng Chi refers to a positive and harmonious flow of energy.  Feng Shui aims to locate and open up pathways for sheng chi to flow in and around your home, in order to bring harmony, nourishment and balance to your life.  Sheng Chi affects all your senses.  It looks good, sounds good, smells good, tastes good and feels good.

When identifying the pathways of sheng chi in and around your home, we examine two main types of energy known as the siang sin/water star energy and the chor sin/mountain star energy.  Siang sin energy corresponds with your abundance potential.  If you open up and stimulate the positive pathways of siang sin energy so that it can readily flow into and throughout your home via the main door and windows, you will increase the probability of productive opportunities occurring for the residents.  Chor sin energy affects your health and relationship potential and resides in the walls of your home.  It is strengthened by large, still, solid objects and raised landform.

Sha Chi is the opposite of Sheng Chi.  It signifies negative flows of energy which can bring a higher probability of illness and/or misfortune.  Negative siang sin energy can attract problems with your finances and ability to save, while negative chor sin energy can stimulate problems associated with your health and relationships.

Sha Chi encompasses negative siang sin and chor sin energy, as well as structural problems which can create a pathway of chi that travels too fast or becomes too angular.  The term ‘poison arrow’ refers to chi that is negatively affected by a long, straight, narrow road, pathway or hallway, a large beam situated above a bed or work desk, electromagnetic radiation, the corner of a large building or exterior object that points towards your main door, an ugly view, disturbing sounds, bad smells, mould, mildew, filth, decay, stagnation and so on.  If an area in or around your home feels bad, or if people sleeping or working in a particular area tend to be predominantly quarrelsome, sickly or generally unfortunate, then it is most likely affected by Sha Chi.

From a practical perspective, there are many things you can do to help reduce Sha Chi.  You can open up the windows on a sunny day and let in the sunshine and fresh air; burn a pleasant blend of aromatherapy oils; declutter and organise your space; block offensive structures etc from view using a screen, fence, foliage etc and space clear the area with the cleansing sound of metal (ie piano music, metallic bell, gong, singing bowl etc) combined with sage smudge sticks or sandalwood incense.

If you are able to ascertain the siang sin and chor sin energy within the affected space, (via Xuan Kong Fei Xing/Flying Star Feng Shui), then you can also work towards balancing the chi via the element cycles.  For example, if you have a combination of negative earth numbers, you’d add the metal element.  For negative metal numbers, you’d add the yin (quiet) water element and so on.

(Feng Shui Article by Derelle Ball providing Feng Shui Consultations for Brisbane, Cleveland, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast QLD)