Definitely better for me professionally than the previous year, it picked up a bit late January and by the open of the lunar year had much improved.The problems I had the previous year are all gone and turned around even. I have been very busy since, with work with a big program I have been leading. Lots of business travel, to all new destinations. It has been a very productive creative year. On the house improvement front, we renovated the kitchen (a nearly whole year project, as we did it in stages, but it is done now and looks fabulous !). And I managed to find money to redo the bathroom too, and just a few things to add to that, but the major parts are all done and look fantastic.

Feedback from visiting rellies and guests who have slept in that room is that they rest well (as you predicted).

Relationship area going well, all has been excellent. Friendships have been really good for me too, this area has been getting better than in previous years and is heading in nice directions.This home has turned out to be very supportive to lots of our interests. People who visit or stay here love the feel of it too, it is very peaceful and stimulating too. Look forward to hearing from you soon 🙂